Ersatzennui with George Quartz
Ersatzennui w/George Quartz
ee16 • Timesteps Retracing

ee16 • Timesteps Retracing

(with transcript)

"Animots strike curious poses"

An oral history of a future past, courtesy of your humble narrartor, guest MC, A.B. "Kid Large" DeLarge.


We hear lovely lovely Bambay singsong golden eagle high in the skies and we singsong.

We do not remember the before. We do not know about lives. We are Revenauts and what the Oldies call “shadows on stones” in the after of what the Oldies called the Cabbidalisms. They say the Cabbidalisms was when peoples made other peoples into fruits and ate them up and that can only last for so long until the Great Ompyre ran out of peoplefruits and ruined. 

The Oldies said that when they were very jung like us in the before the Oldies they had way back then could remember something called Najoor and another thing called Dotcomedy.

The first one was when there were still many antimots and many plands. The ones that could be in the suntime and the other ones that grew high into the skies like stickmen, but with green leaves and fruits. Not just the small ones called creepycrawlies with fangs and greasy fuzzfurs more like baby Revenauts, but only go ackack and eekeek and burrrr and owooo, or the ones like small brown skeletons that skuttle tickytacky tippytappy tsktsk in moontime that we use as fruits in nowtimes. 

Dotcomedy was like what we do now we when we come back to the corridors and empty our rummages for objets and fruits and we give the ones that fell the most hangry sticklike the fruits first because we know they will be elevatorup soon and when it is your time to be elevatorup soon you would want to have one more fiasco of fruits with your amyghosts, too. 

All suntime we walk in the Mazegray and find things to help and try to find fruits and stay away from Heavymetals by the Flower. The Flower is like a moving floor. More about Heavymetals later if there is enough ticktock. 

We also find out more histories sometimes from what is left over from the before. We bring back objets to the Oldies and they tell us the histories of when they were real jung like us. It is sometimes so hahaha and we think it is all made up. 

They say that there were all kinds of peoples then and not just Revenauts and Heavymetals(and the creepycrawlies and stick men if not counting peoples) a real long time before the Bogs came back to show us how to be elevatorup. They told us the things the peoples did for a long time since the Bogs were first here and made the whirls and how they made up Cabbidalisms and ate each other up. 

There were two kinds of peoples in the before. There were ones more like Bogs that had all the corridors and fruits called honors and the ones more like Revenauts and creepycrawlies that were what was called Slavs for the Honors. They did not have ones like Heavymetals yet, except only in made up histories, which are more like creepycrawlies and typeriders put together.

Those came after the Cabbidalisms when the Slavs got so tired of finding all the fruits and tabledancing for the honors and punchkicking each other all the time. So, the Slavs tried to punchkick the Honors instead some times, but the Honors would just make more Cabbidalisms on the Slavs until there were almost no more Slavs left to make into fruits. 

This is when Heavymetals and Revenauts were made up. Since the Honors could find no more Slavs to make into fruits they made fruits of other Honors and also put together with typeriders that help to be elevatordown, but never up. 

The downwhirls are like the whirls here but more simple and the peoples there are more like dollbabies and toyboys even more down the people are like shapes like the ones you see when you lenscap in moontime. The Heavymetals wear war costume and find Revenauts and leftover Honors to make into fruits. The Heavymetals think that if they make enough Slavs into fruits they can be elevatorup and then make the Bogs into fruit. But probably the Bogs cannot be made into fruit.

But the Heavymetals did not make all Slavs into fruits. The Bogs who are in the whirlsup that you can only get to when you are elevatorup when you fell so hangry sticklike sometimes are elevatordown, sometimes like shapes when you lenscap in moontime but also sometimes in suntime before you lenscap and are forreal like Revenauts or creepycrawlies or corridors in the Mazegray. 

They made up the Revenauts by putting Slavs and creepycrawlies together in the Mazegray and this helps to find fruits and stay away from Heavymetals in the corridors. The Oldies say it is why Revenauts hahahaha when they are with amyghosts at the fiasco and why they boohoohoo when amyghosts are elevatorup but fell okayokayokay because they are now Bogs in the Whirlsup. 

The Oldies say Heavymetals can never be elevatorup and can never be Bogs and can never go to Whirlsup and they are just like stick men that used to have lives and green leaves but now just reach in the skies. The Oldies say this is because they were Honors that made fruits of peoples before they were made up and put together with typeriders.

Typeriders had no lives but were made up to help peoples find fruits for the Honors. Typeriders cannot hahahah or boohoohoo or be elevatorup but can be elevatordown to dollbabies or toyboys or even shapes. This is hard to make a history of right now so one more about Revenauts and lenscap in moontime.

When Revenauts are elevatorup and made into Bogs they can remember the before and not just when they were Revenauts. When they are made into Bogs they remember all like one Bog that remembers all of the corridors and all of the Mazegray and all of the Flower and all of the downwhirls. 

When the Revenants are made into Bogs they remember all of the peoples and the animots and the plants and Slavs and the Honors and the creepycrawlies and the stickmen. The Allbogs like one Bog remember Revenauts or what the Oldies called “shadows on stones” and Heavymetals but also dollbabies and toyboys and shapes in the downwhirls. The Allbogs like one Bog remembers the histories and lives of all whirls like the Flower which is like a moving floor of ticktock.

The Oldies say that even the Bogs one day can be elevatorup and there are peoples in even more upwhirls that can be elevatordown as shapes when the Bogs are lenscap in the moontime or even forrealdo like Revenauts or creepycrawlies or corridors in all of the Mazegray. 

The Oldies also say that the Bogs and the Allbogs like one Bog and the peoples in the upwhirls even more never punchkick other peoples and never make peoples into fruits and hahahaha all the time and almost never boohoohoo. 

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Ersatzennui with George Quartz
Ersatzennui w/George Quartz
Deep from within a self-imposed exile in the mysterious Bermuda Triangle, the semi-charming and mildly enigmatic former rogue-about-town, George Quartz, sets a mind maze in motion.
Come get lost in the labyrinth.